Figure Decoration informs about Textiles at the Clothing of extinct Cultures. It`s the first known displayed information about costumes. From the Paleolithic, 25,000 BC they appear throughout the whole Prehistory.

Figure Decoration informs on Textiles by depicting the figurines. They are pointing out how were look like different extinct cultures. The first known depictions of clothing are the ornaments of anthropomorphic figures from the Paleolithic, throughout the whole of Prehistory. The first example of Venus from Lespugue, in the south of France, was created around 25,000 years BC. Then, later on, appears the first material traces.

Figure Decoration informs on Textiles – Venus from Lespugue, in the south of France

The Lespugue Venus, a statuette of a nude female figure from the Gravettian period, was discovered in 1922 in the Rideaux cave, in the south of France. Approximately 6 inches (15 cm) tall, it is carved from tusk ivory and was damaged during excavation.

This Paleolithic Venus, on her back, wears an apron made of twisted string (Collection of Musée de L`Homme, Paris). Textile expert Elizabeth Wayland Barber, claims that the statue displays the earliest representation found of spun thread.

Figure Decoration informs Textiles-Clothing-Paleolithic-Venus-Lespugue-wears-apron-twisted-string.jpg
Paleolithic Venus from Lespugue Haute-Garonne wears an apron of twisted string.

Figure Decoration informs on Textiles – Kličevac idol, also Decorated with engravings with Textile Clothing

Figure Decoration informs Textiles-Idol-from-Kličevac-near-Kostolac-Serbia-with-richly-woven-belt-skirt-apron.jpg
Idol from Kličevac near Kostolac Serbia with richly woven belt skirt apron.

This area of Serbia once had one of the most significant archeological finds, the idol from Kličevac, near Kostolac, from the Middle Bronze Age. In 1881, it was the first discovered idol of this type in this area.

Represented a female figure, of clay, it depicts a woman in a characteristic costume. Woven richly decorated belt, the skirt, and the apron too. Previously found in an urn, but bombing, during the First World War, destroyed The National Museum and the idol among all other exhibits. Now, it is known thanks to a preserved drawing of both, the front and back of the idol.

Figure Decoration informs on Textiles– Anthropomorphic figurine, Beletinci, Srem

Figure-Decoration-informs-Textiles-Anthropomorphic-figurine-Vinča-culture-Beletinci-Museum-of-Vojvodina-Inv-no-AP 7079.jpg
Anthropomorphic figurine Vinča culture 5 millennium BC Beletinci Museum of Vojvodina Inv no AP 7079.

Anthropomorphic figurine, 7 cm preserved high, Vinča culture, 5,h millennium BC, Beletinci, Srem (Museum of Vojvodina, inv. no. AP 7079)

The top portion is missing, but the existing lower portion of the anthropomorphic figurine is polished, black colored, with white and red engraving. The costume is depicted on the preserved part of the figurine. Over the dress, an apron is depicted on its front. Carved ornaments on part of the dress and apron were filled with white paint. The statuette represents a woman in a long and very decorative dress.

My attitude

The Museum of Vojvodina, with its complex concept, provides a broad framework for research into cultural continuity. The period of the origin of materials and museum objects, for example, archaeology may become close to someone of different competence. You have the opportunity to work with colleagues of various profiles.

Some of my stories should connect certain phenomena and topics about the development of textile culture. A story may flow from different sources taking everything at once, into a whole.

From our side of time, I also want answers to the questions of connections and influences that make the culture of Textiles and Clothing as it is today.

Marija Jovanović is close to me in this way. Both of us, have finished our employee in one day. Also, was happened, that we have presented exhibitions on the topic of textiles. But the first one is about clothing in prehistory, and the other is about archaic weaves, dating over two centuries back.

I will especially recommend the book by M. Jovanović: Masters of Clay and Wheat, published by the Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad 2011.

This issue attracted me with the author’s observant mind, but also with her picturesque portrayals which evoke ancient worlds.

In the preface, she asks us: Could you imagine what kind of dresses women wore a few millennia ago?

And answers us herself: They first wore elegant dresses with beautiful details and very decorative jewelry already. These were the Neolithic ladies who conquered the area from the Carpathians to Anatolia with their simplicity, style, and beauty…

I stay as waiting to find out about Your suggestions

Best wishes, Branka on Textiles

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